Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start?

  1. Name your collection (hub), for example 'My Videos'.
  2. Click 'Select video directory', the folder on your computer where your videos are located.
  3. Click 'Change hub directory', the folder where you'd like to have Video Hub App store all the information about this hub.
  4. Select the size of screenshots you'd like Video Hub App to extract
  5. Click 'Create the Video Hub'

Let's say you named your hub 'My Videos'. Video Hub App will extract screenshots from every video in the folder you chose and place it inside a folder titled 'vha-My Videos' in the hub directory you chose.

Additionally, Video Hub App will save a file 'My Videos.vha2' in the same folder. Now any time you click on 'My Videos.vha2', your hub will open instantly, even if the videos are located on an external hard drive.

How do I create a new hub?

Click on the gear (top right) to access the 'settings menu'. Click on the first button to start the 'wizard' again.

Can I have more than one hub?

You can have as many hubs (collections) as you would like. Perhaps you would like your Home Videos, Movies, and Experimental Projects in different, separate collections. Just create three hubs! You can switch between them either by double-clicking the file, dragging the file into the app, or clicking on the hub name in the recent history list inside the app.

What happens to my video files?

All your videos remain unchanged. Video Hub App only takes screenshots of your videos so you can preview them at any time. If the videos are located on an external hard drive you will still be able to see them in Video Hub App whether the hard drive is connected or not. But clicking the video will only open it in your video player if the external hard drive is connected.

What happens when my videos change?

If you add, delete, or rename any videos, just click 'Rescan' (4th tab of settings: 'Current hub') and Video Hub App will update its internal collection to match your changes. Until you 'Rescan', all the old videos will still show up in Video Hub App, but clicking on a video you have deleted or renamed will no longer play the video. Rescanning the directory is quick, and afterwards Video Hub App will show an updated view of your videos.

Can I sort videos by date?

Please go to settings, click the 'Search settings' tab, scroll to 'Sorting options in the dropdown' section, and click 'Date Modified' to enable the sorting option.

Can I change the default thumbnail?

You can drag & drop an image from your compter onto any video, and the default screenshot will be replaced. Also, you can choose any one of the other extracted screenshots to be the default screenshot by opening the sheet / details vieow of a video (right click -> details, or click on top-right corner of thumbnail in Thumbnails view) and clicking the top-right corner (star) of any screenshot.


You can enable the 'Play all' button in settings. When you click on it, all the videos currently showing in your gallery will open as a playlist with whatever program your computer uses to open '.pls' files or, if set, with the player you set as the default in VHA.

Keyboard shortcuts?

See the 'shortcuts' tab in the settings menu for the full list of keyboard shortcuts.

What file types does the app support?

264, 265, 3g2, 3gp, avi, divx, flv, h264, h265, hevc, m4a, m4v, m4v, mkv, mov, mp2, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, ogg, rm, vob, webm, wmv

Can I import more than one folder into a single hub?

Video Hub App 3 lets you do that easily. Click on settings and then the 'Current hub' tab, click 'Edit folders' and 'Add folder to hub'.

Video Hub App 2 will create a hub from all the folders that are inside a folder you choose. There is no way to tell Video Hub App 2 to import from more than one source (starting) folder.

There are two possble solutions:

  • Create several hubs, and you can switch between them with 1 click (just toggle in settings to show recent hubs) in the left sidebar.
  • Create a symlink to all the folders you'd like within one folder, and create a hub from that one folder.

Privacy Policy

The app never sends any data out. All your information stays private on your computer.